Me next, me next . . .
6 12 38 45 52 55 61 62 70 77
If it's bad news though, please break it to me gently ODM.
Your a nice person Remeha, actually a bit too good for the average woman. And I know that you have not had the best of times...still....
First card that has been pulled is 5 of cups. Cups is to do with emotions. You are looking at your life and thinking about something you did, or something that happened with regret. There is a wistful thinking going on at heart. This card is also traditionally linked to sorrow of some kind.
Second card pulled. Wheel of fortune. Just when everything appears to go sour..there should be reasons to feel very happy and abundant. Dont let anything get in the way of these feelings as a better time is coming to you as from this moment. Whatever you get offered...take it.
Third card pulled. Nine of swords. Part of your problem in the past was that there was something that just seemed to get blown up out of proportion. Caused yu a lot of anxiety and worry and how you feel today is still attached to it. You must stop looking over your shoulder and allow this all to bury itself.
Fourth card pulled. The pope. You can be a stubborn person.
You have been worried that everything you have done or built up might be taken away..and you might even have gone to seek some guidance or advice on this. or you may wish to. sometimes in life some things are not WORTH holding onto if they only cause you grief. you must decide what is truly important to you. Keeping something and fighting for your foundations or giving things up because you can have more peace
The Fifth card pulled. Justice. This card represents your health and your standing in life. It is coming into circulation about now. Firstly you are norty as well, eat, drink smoke and keep bad hours. Bring your body back into balance your body is suffering.oops! Secondly, there is paperwork, whether a court matter, divorce, property, or just legal obligations that need settling . it will all come into balance very soon...even if they are just thoughts, it will all even out soon.
The sixth card pulled.10 wands. Again, you are overburdening yourself. You must not think you need to rule the must take time off for your mind to relax, but not by upsetting your body and abusing it with too much good food or lack of it.
You are a workaholic at the best of times.. slow down. Even if you are working hard towards something, you still need to pull back.
The seventh card pulled. This card is about a child. It does not mean definately a child, but it could be a message from far away. It may also mean that you are experience a youthfulness right now.
The eighth card queen of wands. you could either have a new woman in your life, oooeeeerrrrr, or you are taking on some responsibility in leadership and even acting is involved...for some reason. This card suggests you taking a journey too, and also working towards a good career.
The ninth card is the card of the fool. Dont worry it does,nt mean it literally. It means that you are taking a new journey in life, you dont really know where you will end up, you are taking new chances and you will just go along and do that and nobody will be able to tell you differently. You are willing to accept whatever the consequences are. There are so many possibilities right now. Be careful as you know you can trip up here and there.
The Tenth final card tells you. Whatever happens regarding the things I have mentioned to you. Do not admit defeat. Do not tell yourself you have failed. There is someone in your life who would argue blind with you and it gets you down or has done. Let them carry on with that, you will not do the same. It does not make them the winner just because they shout the loudest. You will be the winner because you yourself have learnt to have dignity at a great price
Let me know if this is ok for you. If there is anything particular you want to ask me privately, message me. I will help if I can.
You are a very very nice person. We make mistakes in our life none of us able to know what is round the next corner. Time however for you to put away your hair shirt...and look forward to the future...bless you..